
Hi! I'm Jerome. Thank you for stopping by my website and your interest in my biography.

For more than 2 decades I have been working as an external Consultant in IT projects, most of the time as IT Solution Architect. I had the pleasure to work with many different people in a variety of industries and countries. Feeling comfortable in areas ranging from IT Strategy to hands-on realization, I'm convinced that business goals, collaboration and communication, and technology solutions should always go hand in hand.

Being seen as a team player, I like to listen to people and try to understand their needs. Consolidate all thoughts, use a methodical and structured approach based on best practices, and make it work for all parties (win-win). This can be as simple as a talk over coffee or a formal presentation with all stakeholders to present possible solutions.

In 2019 I've opened my own company CrossLogic Consulting as freelancer. The reason for this was simply: the demand for Digital Transformation. All clients I worked with in the past had to deal with the Cloud one way or another. Because of infra simplification, deployment automation, by company policy, or simply by by costs management targets. The business proposition of moving to the cloud sells itself (Capex to Opex with no costs up front). At the other hand I noticed that clients where struggling to actually materialize this. Application Developers needed to focus on, well, developing applications and hardly had time (or knowledge) to think about cloud architecture and infra, security, data pipelines, monitoring, and automation. Business Owners were driven/bound by organizational dictation like company policies and company budgets not really knowing how to deal with this cloud adoption. I found out that on both accounts I was able to support clients using the same proven frameworks I've been using for many years. Because of the highly rewarding engagements and the great results I've decided to fully focus on Cloud to support the clients' digital journey.

The slogan was only logical: Supporting Your Transformation.

Let's connect on LinkedIn or XING! You will find a pretty up to date professional bio on these sites.


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